Tired of the concrete jungle?

If you’re stuck in the city in summer but wish to get out into nature, head to Lietuvos bankas’ Money Museum.

Here you will see many of the world’s animals and birds and learn about the various crawling, swimming and creeping creatures depicted on money from all around the globe.

All you have to do is come to the Money Museum on your own or with a friend and try to find out how many, and which, animals are hiding in the museum.

Lietuvos bankas’ Money Museum has launched an information campaign inviting Vilnius residents who are staying in the city over the summer as well as tourists to come to the Money Museum and have a look at the animals depicted on the banknotes of various countries around the world.

“Lost in the concrete jungle? Meet the animals of the Money Museum” is the slogan inviting visitors to come and learn about the history of money in Lithuania and around the world, see the museum’s exposition and try out interactive entertainment. Our aim is to ensure that people who come to the city for summer fun not only count money, but also see how diverse it is,” says Asta Ravaitytė-Kučinskienė, Head of the Money Museum.

According to her, this time animals and birds depicted on banknotes and coins used in Lithuania and other countries have been chosen to showcase the diversity of money. One of such examples is the talonas, temporary money used in Lithuania thirty years ago. Do you know how many of the animals depicted on fifteen talonas are included in the Red List? Or how many animals were depicted on them in the three years of their use? Which country’s €2 commemorative coin features Lithuania’s national bird, and which animal did Zimbabwe choose to decorate its $100 trillion banknote with?

The staff of the Money Museum will help you answer these and other questions during guided tours and educational sessions. 

The Money Museum is open to everyone, and tours and visits are free of charge.
Money Museum